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Hip Hop For the Holidays Dance Concert - Friday December 8th at 1:30 pm

Dear Woodward Families: 

All Woodward parents are invited to join us in the Woodward gym for an afternoon Dance Concert entitled, "Hip Hop for the Holidays".

We are excited to announce that, each day during the week of December 4th to 8th, Jay, from Jess Dance Studios, who is an amazing and talented dance instructor, will be teaching our students some fun and creative dance moves, with lots of positive messages and acknowledgements of the many ways that families from all over the world celebrate this Holiday Season. 

Jay and Jess Dance were hired by the District to teach cultural dance moves to all Richmond schools and he visited Woodward for a day of dance in late September. Our students and staff loved the way he taught dance and connected with our students. They also enjoyed the thoughtful and positive messages he conveyed during these dance lessons- teaching our students to appreciate the richness of music and dance from various cultures around the world. After the sessions, our staff were so impressed that they asked about the possibility of booking him for a week of dance instruction. We feel very fortunate that Jay is able to join us next week as he and the Studio are very popular - and he is fully booked for most weeks this school year.

Each class will receive one 30 - 40 minute dance lesson each day from Monday, December 4th to Thursday, December 7th from Jay. On Friday morning, our classes will rehearse with Jay  and then they will perform their dance routine at the "Hip Hop for the Holidays" Dance Concert on Friday December 8th at 1:30 pm.

We hope you can join us for this special Winter Holiday Dance Event... our gift to you this Holiday season!  

Stay tuned for more information in the coming days regarding the Hip Hop for the Hoilidays Show.

- Mr. Hurst and the Woodward Staff

Updated: Monday, March 17, 2025