School Story Student Survey Result - Spring of 2024
As mentioned in the update in the "Our Learning" section of our School Story, we value the thoughts, insights, opinions and ideas of our students. We believe that our students should have a voice in the writing and telling of our School Story. Early in Spring Term, we asked our students the question: Can you name two adults in the building who care about you and believe in you?
The chart and pie image shows you the result of our scan. 88% of our student population were able to respond that they could name at least two adults in the building who care and believe in them. These are encouraging results that tell us that students feel that they can be themselves at school. They feel they belong and can be who they are while feeling cared for and supported in their learning journey. Our focus as a staff remains on the 12%: students who answered 'No' and those who weren't sure or didn't know how to answer the question.