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Our Focus

Latest Update Regarding Our School Focus:

What are our students telling us?

Springtime is a perfect time in the school year to ask students questions.  Student voice is important as we continue to seek out ways to support each learner on their individual learning journey.  We tell our students that it is very special that we ask them to share with us how they are doing.  We tell them that this was something we were never asked in school, when we were students their age.  Each student plays a role as a partner in their learning team: students/teachers/parents.  This highlights how important it is that we check in with them regularly: How are you doing?  What do you need?

As a staff, we reflected on our school story focus: 'Woodward Connects'.  We wanted to know if our students feel connected, to each other, but also to the adults who work with them. We wanted to know if students feel they belong, and if they know that adults in the building care about them, and believe in them.  

Before Spring Break, all of our students were asked to fill out a survey.  The questions we asked are:

  1. Can you name two adults in the building who care about you and believe in you?
  2. How do you know?
  3. What makes you feel most connected at Woodward?
  4. When you are learning, when do you feel most happy?
  5. When you are learning, when might you feel most unhappy?

In our May 22nd Evidence post, you will see the results of student responses to the first question.  Our next steps as a staff is to look at the data that our 'student voice' have provided.  What are the broad themes that we see?  What do our students tell us that they need at this time?  This data will inform us as to what our school focus might be as we continue forward on our collective learning journey at Woodward Elementary.  The ultimate goal is to enhance the learning experience for all of our students. We look forward to sharing evidence of our learning with you as we continue to inquire together.